In 2014, the Town of Wake Forest introduced “SeeClickFix” as part of the Wake Forest "app" as a simple, yet effective way for residents to report quality of life, non-emergency issues. Since then, the Town has addressed hundreds of citizen concerns, ranging for damaged sidewalks and potholes to graffiti and malfunctioning TRAFFIC signals.
Once the resident submits an issue, the reporter, the Town, and anyone “watching” the area receives an alert. The Town then acknowledges the service request, routes it to the proper department, and updates the request once it has been resolved.
PLEASE NOTE: The Villas of Wake Forest became public in May 2022. That means any repairs noted by residents to our street lights, roads and sidewalks should be reported to the Town of Wake Forest as noted in the above paragraphs.
(entered 14-Jul-2022)