News & Announcements
UPDATE - Villas Board Reception
Posted on May 19th, 2023

Dear Neighbors,
The response to the Board’s invitation to the receptions has been excellent! We anticipate full receptions with one hundred or more attending a total of four receptions. Please contact Pam Alig with any changes or cancellations.
So we can have mutual expectations about these receptions, here is some helpful information.
  • We’ll take time to great friends and meet new friends as we enjoy some refreshments. Yes, there will be coffee at the receptions that occur in the morning. 
  • We’ll have a Villas Trivia game to see which table group knows the Villas best.
  • We’ll hear a story or two about the Villas beginnings followed by some information about who we are as a community and our vision for who we would like to continue to become.
The Board would like to listen to you at the receptions as you tell us:
  • What you like about the Villas.
  • What you would like to see improved.
  • The questions you have for the Board.
The responses to all three categories will be recorded so the Board can send what we heard and the Board’s responses to the questions to the whole community after the last reception. We may have the time and information at hand for the Board to respond to some of the questions during the reception.
In each reception, as we have some fun, learn a bit, and hear from you, the Board would like your help in living out the statement found in each Villas Blog, “Where we Speak Politely and Listen Respectfully”.
Have a great weekend!
Barney (Ford) on behalf of the Board