News & Announcements
Stormwater Fees - followup #2
Posted on Jan 7th, 2025

Jan 7, 2025 
(2024/ 2025…Edition 2)
Community Update from the 2024/2025
Villas of Wake Forest COA Board of Directors…
Below and attached you will find the response to our inquiry with the Town of Wake Forest regarding storm water billing.
Nick Nolte informed us that these individual invoices are to be paid regardless of the drainage system in place in our community.
The only reason to appeal would be if the measurement of the impervious surface is incorrect.
Shelley Welch
Shelley –
Thank you for reaching out and being patient with me. The Stormwater Utility Fee is being assessed to all property owners within the Town, regardless of tax-exemption status or if the development has existing stormwater control measures. In the case of your community specifically, each condominium owner is being assessed for their unit plus the room of two parking spaces. This has resulted in most, if not all, units within the Villas to fall under the Tier 2 residential fee (1500 SF - 4700 SF) . The remaining impervious surfaces outside of the public ROW, such as the driveways going to each building, as well as the amenity center are being billed at the non-residential rate structure and are assessed to the COA of the Villas.
We do have an appeal application if you believe any of the measurements we have for your property are incorrect, which can be found through this link or on the Stormwater Utility Webpage.
I have spoken with a few of your community members regarding the billing structure, asking them to temporarily consider holding off in case any changes were made. After speaking with the Town’s legal department, the billing structure of the bills that were recently mailed out are accurately billed in the proper manner. Unless a specific owner believes the measurement for their unit is incorrect based on the measurement we have on file, they can still submit an appeal application prior to payment of this fee. If you can pass this message along to your community, that would be greatly appreciated.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Nick Nolte
Stormwater Utility Manager
Office: 919-435-9510 | Direct: 919-435-9449 | Mobile: 919-353-7203
301 S. Brooks Street | Wake Forest, NC 27587