Radon Installations & Ligon Mill Extension
Posted on Oct 26th, 2018
With regards to the email yesterday concerning radon mitigation for your unit, many unit members have taken this step and had a radon mitigation system installed. But, the Board has vetted and approved one vendor to do this work, and this vendor has received very positive reviews from the residents for pricing, punctuality and workmanship. Their pricing is also lower than the company mentioned (yesterday). Our preferred vendor is: Affordable Radon--Call Megan at
919-880-3207. Use of this vendor will greatly expedite your installation, which has been used by around 15 residents. Obviously, you can use any vendor you want, but before Board approval, the company must provide the Board installation specifics on color,location of the system and pictures of other installations. Plus, remember, all residents must file Architectural Change Requests(ACR) for approval by the Board.
2. I,and a few other residents, attended a meeting concerning the rezoning of 80 acres, including the property where Blue Bird would connect to Ligon Mill and north to Rt. 98. A very positive meeting for the Villas, with an attractive, mixed use, low impact development,20 acres of which would include a Wegmans store. There were positive comments from the Developer on the connector road from the Villas to Ligon Mill. More details will be discussed at the Annual Meeting on November 5.
Tom Taylor
NOTE: - followup information provided by Tom
1. All equipment installations for radon removal require Board review and approval, even this vendor - please use the Architectural Change Request form to do so. As this the Board and the community have had good experiences with this vendor, the review and approval should be quickly done.
2. The full vendor contact information is provided below. It will also be added to the Local Service Providers webpage on this site also.
Affordable Radon Mitigation
8628 Malahar Lane
Angier NC 27501
Additional notes and articles - details regarding Ligon Mill Road rezoning: