News & Announcements
Villas Blog #40
Posted on Dec 27th, 2021

Villas Blog 40
Where we Listen Politely and Speak Politely
         What a wonderful Holiday season it is! Excellent weather while we all gather with family and friends as we are looking forward to a new year.  Our hearts are hoping that this great weather stays put for a long time, but our brains are reminding us that the worst is probably ahead, but on the bright side, a chance to wear all of our new sweaters.
         The posting of the Board minutes is delayed as our Property Company is on an extended vacation from daily tasks. However, if you have an emergency, they will be able to assist all residents.  As you know from their emails, the coupon books were not properly printed and new ones should be on the way if you have not already received them.
         The Board is looking into having all of the pipes that are from the back of the gas meters into the units inspected.  The cost of the inspection will be covered by the COA.  If it is discovered your pipe needs to be repaired or replaced, that becomes the responsibility of the unit owner.  The Board will keep all residents informed as we move ahead with this project.
         You may have noticed the colorful sand buckets that have been placed near sidewalks and the mailboxes.  A reminder that each resident should have their own bucket of sand for their sidewalks.  Please do not put salt on your sidewalk or driveway as it will damage the concrete or asphalt.  If you do not have a bucket, please contact a member of the facilities team.  Our landscape company will be providing snow plow removal of the streets should we need it, but fingers crossed, that will not be necessary.
         The Board is also closely monitoring all Federal, State, and Local guidelines during this time of the new variant of Covid. We are hopeful that all of our residents will continue to keep themselves and all of us as safe as we have been for the past 2 years.   We will keep everyone informed should stricter measures of safety procedures have to be put back into place.
         We hope everyone had the opportunity to travel through the Villas and around Wake Forest to view the lights and decorations that have been put into place to celebrate.  If you are new to Wake Forest, we hope you have found the Historical District and enjoyed all of the stately homes.  The Historical Museum is located at 414 N Main Street and is open Tuesday through Friday from 9 AM to 4:30 PM and Sunday from 2 PM until 5PM.  A visit there is a wonderful way to learn some of our local history.
Villas Board of Directors
Norm Bell 
Nancy Brooks 
Carolyn Coordes 
Rich Pike
Becky Tucci
NOTE: You can use the "Contact" menu item on this website to send the Board of Directors a question or a concern.