News & Announcements
Villas Blog #47
Posted on Mar 30th, 2022

Villas Blog 47
Where we listen Respectfully and Speak Politely
Many of us feel like our worlds have been upside down since 2020 with Covid, masking, lockdowns.  Seems like March of 2022 is upside down also…..the old saying is “in like a lion and out like a lamb.”  But this year seems reversed as many are still wearing winter coats, hats and gloves.  Let’s hope the warm Carolina weather will be greeting us soon!
Many residents are reporting that speeding at the entrances and around the curves is still prevalent.  This is very concerning, especially for our residents with mobility problems, dog walkers, residents collecting mail at the cluster boxes and our senior cyclists. Once again, the Board and all residents are asking all drivers to please slow down, observe the 20 MPH limit, and the state law concerning pedestrians in marked crosswalks.
Some of our buildings lose a few shingles every time we have high winds, and that can lead to roof leaks.  Please take a few moments after a heavy rain to take a look at your ceilings, especially rooms you may not use often.  If you begin to notice discoloration anywhere on your ceiling, please notify York Properties immediately and they will come and repair your roof.  A leak that has been detected early can be fixed and the damage to the inside of the house may be minimal.  The COA is responsible for roof repairs, but the owners are responsible for any damage inside your home.  Also, take a walk around the outside of your house every now and again, and if you see something that does not seem right, please contact any facilities member.
Now that many Covid restrictions have changed, the Town of Wake Forest will once again have Friday Night on White.  This is a great event on White Street with live music, food trucks, and just awesome fun.  Please check the Town of Wake Forest web page for more information.  For our newer residents, this is a wonderful opportunity to “get the feel.” of downtown.  This event runs from April to September on the second Friday of each month.
There are many clubs that always welcome new participants, and some of our clubs will start once again, after they have been closed since Covid.  Please check out our social calendar for times and dates for golf, men’s lunch, coffees, Bible study, men’s movie night, games and cards, and much more.
Please join in the Pot Luck dinner in the Clubhouse on Thursday April 7.  Prior to COVID we had a very active dinner club.  This is starting again with limited (30) attendance.  The sign-up sheet is in the Clubhouse on the Bulletin Board.  If the sign-up sheet is full, add your name to the waitlist and you will be first for the next dinner.  Please bring something to share with the group, and the beverage of your choice.  Also, we are continuing one of the Villas most popular events, Friday at 5, which is the first Friday of each month.  Again, please bring something to share, your own beverage, and a chair, although many folding chairs are provided.  This event will be outside, weather permitting, and inside if the weather does not permit.  These two events are a great way to meet our newest residents and to catch up with friends we have not seen for a while.  We hope to see many of you there.
It is never too early to think about becoming a volunteer and throwing your hat into the ring to run for the Board of Directors.  There will be three openings in November 2022.  If you are interested, please contact any current Board member and we can answer any questions you may have.  This is a great way to volunteer for the good of our community.
Villas Board of Directors
Norm Bell 
Nancy Brooks 
Carolyn Coordes 
Rich Pike 
Becky Tucci 
NOTE: if you have a question or a concern for the Board, please use this website's Contact form to email them a message.