This message is being sent on behalf of the Villas Board and Norm Bell.
Starting 4/1/18 Medicare will start a year-long project to replace all current Medicare cards for beneficiaries to convert to alphanumeric ID numbers. Currently, the ID number is your social security number.
Pass this on to your friends.
Just a heads up that there is a scam going around involving the new Medicare Cards coming out in April. Pass it along . It might come in handy to know Medicare will never call you on the phone.
It is true that the new cards will be sent out from April 2018 to April 2019. Medicare has also warned on scams. They do not charge for cards or want your personal information over the phone.
Example of the new Medicare cards:
Here's what you need to know to protect yourself, family and friends, throughout the US.
First of all the new Medicare card will come to you in the mail. You don't need to request it or do anything. It will show up.
Somebody from "MEDICARE " will call to tell you-you are getting a new Medicare card. But until it comes you will need a temporary card. Fee for the card is between $5-50 dollars. They want personal information, bank account or credit card so they can process your temporary card.
Medicare will never call you unless you ask them to.
Medicare does all communications by mail unless you ask them to call.
Ditto for anybody saying they "work with Medicare to make sure you get everything you are entitled to" .
Scammer alert
First of all, spread the word. Feel free to share these notes.
Use your answering machine to screen calls or just don't even answer a number you don't recognize.
If it has happened to you or your friends or loved ones and personal info had been given out (happens considerably more often than you think so don't feel bad or stupid) immediately take action to protect yourself against identity theft.