Garden Club Road Trip - Plant Delights
Posted on Apr 12th, 2018
The Garden Club is planning a road trip to Plant Delights Nursery on April 27 (which will take the place of our May meeting). This is open to everyone, men and women. Find information about this delightful place by checking out their website We will place a sign-up sheet on the clubhouse bulletin board. We will use the sign-up sheet to determine carpooling, so sign up if you would like to join us.
There will also be a sign-up sheet to order Vintage Chrysanthemum plants for $3.00 each. These mums are very rare and are like the ones your grandmother used to grow for spectacular fall color. They can be planted in large planters or directly in the ground Information on their care will be available. So sign up for however many you might like.
Nadine and Donna