Prepare for Hurricane Florence
Posted on Sep 10th, 2018
This storm could test our mettle here at the Villas if it continues on the current path. Please take care of your neighbors and yourselves. Keep up with the storm’s progress on the local and national news. Keep those without email access up to speed with the latest info.
Each of you should ensure that you have sufficient water on hand along with some canned goods that would see you through a week. That should be on hand by tomorrow at the latest. Store supplies are getting low.
Flashlight, candles, batteries should also be on the ready. A battery operated radio is also valuable if you have one. Make sure you charge your mobile phone as we get close to the event
On the outside of your unit, umbrellas, light chairs, potted plants, bird feeders and trash containers, grills and any other loose items should be stowed safely inside the garage before the storm hits here if the forecasted winds are at 40mph or higher. We will send you a reminder.
Facilities will take care of the pool yard furniture and outside umbrellas as needed.
More as we get closer to the storm.
Thank You,
Ed for the Board