MONDAY Sept 17th 10:30am
The termite inspector is in the community doing the walk through this morning.
The sun is trying to make an appearance as the storm is almost past us. The county and local roads are not without problems, areas with flooding and trees down so please be very careful if you venture out. Stay tuned to the local news for specifics.
The grocery stores are fairly well restocked. I think by this afternoon, the trash cans can come out of hiding. I would expect a normal trash pick up on Friday morning.
The pool will not be usable until the water level is adjusted and chemicals are in balance. Mark will let us know when that has been done. Wait for his notification please.
We have had a few roof issues that we know of, none in the major category. All else seems to be ok at this time.
I want to remind you that we will have an Town Hall Meeting in the clubhouse tomorrow (Tuesday) at 11:45.
Good job all.
Ed for the Board