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Servings: Group
Complexity: Easy
Total Time: Prep: 25 min. Bake: 45 min. until center reads 165 degrees, 10 min. standing
13x9-inch baking dish breakfast/brunch casserole, suitable for freezing or refrigerating uncooked; cheese and bacon added briefly at end of cooking
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Servings: 1
Complexity: Very Easy
Total Time: 1h 31m
This baked potato has a crisp, golden skin and is light and fluffy on the inside. Great comfort food!
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Servings: 8
Complexity: Easy
Total Time: Prepare - 10-15m + Cooking - 30-45m
Tender and sweet, this flavorful side makes a perfect complement to any dinner. Squash is packed with gum-building vitamins A and C, and garlic can give your immune system a boost.
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Servings: 4
Complexity: Easy
Total Time: 1h 15m
It was outrageously good. I hope my picture does them justice.