Flag HALF Mast
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US Flag Half mast
… until sunset Jan. 29th
Happy Birthday to
 Villas Residents
 1 Ruth Dra…

 6 Boyd Ali…

 8 Peggy McN…

 8 Helen Sta…

11 Beverly Cal… 

12 Zakiyyah Sal…

16 Frank Lee…
22 Arlene For…
     Rick For…

23 Marvin  Eth…
     Linda Jac… 
     Loren Kin…
25 Jeffrey Csi…
26 Barbara Hun…
30 Marti Spa…
Many thanks to Barbara Newnam for collecting and sharing this info!!
Today+ Calendar
Monday, January 13th
7pm to 9pm
At this time, there is not a contact person.
Typically, 4-6 residents come together for low-bid (nickel, dime, quarter) poker.
Men’s Coffee - R.Pike
Tuesday, January 14th
10am to 11am
Join the men for coffee and a light breakfast snack, as we solve the world's problems. A different host volunteers to bring the snacks and host the event each week....
Bible Study
Tuesday, January 14th
3pm to 4:30pm
Please bring a Bible to the gathering.
For more information, please contact Ruth Dragelin.
Guys Movies - Thunderball (1965)
Tuesday, January 14th
7pm to 9pm
An action movie will be played as a Guys Night Out. The title of the movie will be announced a few days in advance. For more information, contact Bob Turnage....
Indoor Exercise
Wednesday, January 15th
9am to 9:30am
Using recorded exercise routine, perform light exercises.
For more information, contact Karen Zack.
Wednesday, January 15th
1pm to 3:30pm
Board games and other activities.
A coordinator is needed.
For more information, contact Kathee Bailey until a new coordinator volunteers.
Wednesday, January 15th
3pm to 5pm
For more information, NO CONTACT AVAILABLE.
Ladies Coffee - S. Thompson, M. Barnes
Thursday, January 16th
10am to 11am
Join the ladies of the community for a fun social hour over coffee and light snacks. A different resident (s) volunteers to bring the snacks and host the event. For...
Stormwater Fees - followup #2
Posted on Jan 7th, 2025
Community Update from the 2024/2025
Villas of Wake Forest COA Board of Directors…
Below and attached you will find the response to our inquiry with the Town of Wake Forest regarding storm water billing. Nick Nolte informed us that these individual invoices are to be paid regardless of the drainage system in place in our community. The only reason to appeal would be if the measurement of the impervious surface is incorrect.
Shelley Welch ...
Stormwater Fees - followup
Posted on Jan 5th, 2025
Hi Neighbors,
On Friday I sent an email on this issue. Please see this News article it at the end of this message.
  1. A board member is looking into this matter on behalf of the board and our community. As soon as the board knows anything relevant to this issue, we will send an email out.
  2. The invoice Arlene and I received has this on it, “For more information please visit https://wakeforestnc.gov and enter the phrase stormwater utility in the search field.”
Invoice - Stormwater Fees
Posted on Jan 3rd, 2025
Many of us have received an invoice regarding the Storm Water Utility run by the Town of Wake Forest.
The Board is checking into this charge with the Town of Wake Forest given that we pay to maintain and, if necessary, repair the level spreaders that manage some of storm water run-off from the Villas. ...
TOWF - Stormwater Utility Fees
Posted on Jan 1st, 2025
Originally posted June 26,2024

Wake Forest property owners will begin paying a new Stormwater Utility Fee this summer (2024). Effective July 1 (2024), the new fee will be billed annually to all Wake and Franklin County property owners within the Wake Forest corporate limits in conjunction with their respective county tax bills. Exempt properties will be billed annually by the Town.
Wake Forest property owners can learn the amount…
Upcoming Events
DPAC - Menopause The Musical
Saturday, May 10th at Durham Performing Arts Center
YOUR Announcement
None listed at this time.
York Properties Info
The Villas' finances and management is currently performed by York Properties. To learn more about York, contact details, work orders and other services, please select this link.
To go directly to the York website and sign in, please select this link.

Welcome to Our Community
We are a small village-like community of 144 condominiums across 36 buildings. Situated within the historic Town of Wake Forest, North Carolina, we are within a short walk of Wegmans, and near Sam’s and Walmart.
We are an active community of diverse backgrounds and interests. The Clubhouse and pool complex is our social center where we enjoy BBQs, potluck dinners, holiday gatherings, weekly coffees for men and women and seminars. We especially enjoy food trucks and music. Within a 10 minute drive, there are shopping, restaurants, churches, golf courses and medical care.  Within a one hour drive, there are numerous historical sites, museums, three ACC schools, an International airport, and world class dining.
This website has been developed to serve residents, as an information resource for our community. Please use it as a tool to stay informed, communicate, learn and enjoy. The website will be active, often with new information daily, weekly and monthly.
Street address for the Villas:
989 Blue Bird Lane
Wake Forest, NC 27587
Work Orders? To submit a work order, you MUST have an account with York Properties. Select this link to go DIRECTLY to the sign in page for York. 
If you need more information about York Properties and work orders, please select this link.
York Properties
The Villas of Wake Forest is a condominium owner based community. The community's finances and management is currently performed by York Properties. For more information about York Properties, please select this link.
To create an account with York Properties regarding your home in the Villas, please visit their web address:
Welcome to Our Community

We are a small village-like community of 144 condominiums across 36 buildings. This site is situated within the historic Town of Wake Forest, North Carolina. When the Town celebrated it's Centennial year in 2009, we were only in our early years of our establishment. This community is made up of diverse backgrounds and interests.

The Clubhouse and pool complex is the social center of the community. At the Clubhouse and the pool deck, this has been the site of BBQs, potluck dinners, holiday gatherings, coffees for men and women once a week and informative seminars.

Within a 10 minute drive, there are shopping, restaurants, churches, golf courses and medical care.  Within a one hour drive, there are numerous historical sites, museums, three ACC schools, an International airport, and world class dining and shopping.

The Villas of Wake Forest community website has been developed to serve as an information resource for both our neighborhood and our community. Please consider the website as a tool for use by all residents to stay informed, communicate, learning, fun and enjoyment. The website will be active with new information daily, weekly and monthly, while some information will be stagnant for longer periods not requiring frequent change.

Please feel free to contact the Communications Committee with your comments and suggestions.
York Properties
The Villas of Wake Forest is a condominium owner based community. The community's finances and management is currently performed by York Properties. For more information about York Properties, please select this link.
To create an account with York Properties regarding your home in the Villas, please visit their web address:
Welcome to Our Community
We are a small village-like community of 144 condominiums across 36 buildings. Situated within the historic Town of Wake Forest, North Carolina, we are within a short walk of Wegmans, and near Sam’s and Walmart. Within a 10 minute drive, there are shopping, restaurants, churches, golf courses and medical care.  Within a one hour drive, there are numerous historical sites, museums, three ACC schools, an International airport, and world class dining.
This website has been developed to serve residents, as an information resource on both our neighborhood and our community. Please consider the website as a tool to stay informed, communicate, learn and enjoy. The website will be active, often with new information daily, weekly and monthly.

We are an active community of diverse backgrounds and interests. The Clubhouse and pool complex is our social center where we enjoy BBQs, potluck dinners, holiday gatherings, weekly coffees for men and women and informative seminars. We especially enjoy food trucks and music, but mostly we just like getting together.
York Properties
The Villas of Wake Forest is a condominium owner based community. The community's finances and management is currently performed by York Properties. For more information about York Properties, please select this link.
To create an account with York Properties regarding your home in the Villas, please visit their web address: