CUOA Board of Directors 
(Condominium Unit Owner's Association)


Rich Pike


1012 Blue Bird Lane  

Tel: 919-435-7480

Term: 2019-2021

Bob Nemes


860 Blue Bird Lane  

Tel: 570-242-0832

Term: 2020-2022

Carolyn Coordes


1179 Blue Bird Lane

Tel: 919-488-5358

Term: 2020-2022



Becky Tucci


805 Blue Bird Lane  

Tel: 919-637-0159

Term: 2019-2021


Nancy Brooks

Member At Large

1140 Blue Bird Lane  

Tel: 301-639-1399

Term: 2020-2022

COA Board of Directors 
(Condominium Owner's Association)

Title Who Term
Chairman Barney Ford  2022-2024 
Vice-Chair Pam Alig 2022-2024
Carolyn Coordes
Treasurer Dan Becker 2023-2025
Member at Large Shelley Welch 2023-2025 
Board Meetings:
Regularly scheduled Board meeting are posted in advance on the calendar of this website - select this link. Every effort is made to keep meeting schedule information up to date. For 2024, regular Board meetings are currently scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Mondays each month.
Got a question for the Board??
Please use the menu bar feature "Contact" to send an email to the Board.
(See the details in the screen capture below.)

(Duties and Responsibilities)

Board of Directors
  • The Board shall have the powers and duties necessary for the administration of the Condominium, and may do all such acts and things, except such acts as by law or the Declaration or by the Villas of Wake Forest Bylaws may not be delegated to the Board.
  • The Board may engage the services of any person, firm, or corporation to act as managing agent at a compensation established by the Board, to perform such duties and services as the Board shall authorize.

Board Liaisons

The Villas of Wake Forest Board, in carrying out its responsibilities effectively, must maintain strong and active interaction and communication with other groups within the Association. Board liaisons are assigned to facilitate this commitment.