Dear Neighbors,
There is lots of information in this email including the draft minutes of the annual meeting, the draft minutes of the first meeting of the new Board, and the minutes of the Elections Committee.
Three major items are:
- Dan Becker was elected to the Villas Board of Directors.
- The Board approved and proposed budget to the Villas unit owners was ratified and will go into effect on January 1, 2024.
- The Board of Directors officer positions are:
- Pam Alig – Vice Chair
- Dan Becker – Treasurer
- Carolyn Coordes – Secretary
- Barney Ford – Chairman
As many of you know, Carolyn Coordes has served ably as our Treasurer for three years. When the Board discussed who would serve in the various officer positions, Carolyn, knowing Dan Becker’s financial background, graciously offered to serve as Secretary saying, “I want to serve in a way that is best for the Villas”. Carolyn will continue to function as Treasurer as she and Dan transition Dan into the Treasurer’s position over the next few weeks.
The vote on the budget reflected a divided community on a very important decision. The Board does not see this as a win even though the budget is ratified. We want to improve our accessibility and communication particularly during the budget development process. We plan to be a more open and accessible Board. We have already discussed having meetings such as the receptions or meetings where all unit owners can attend.
Also, in the past if you wanted to see the minutes you had to wait until the approved minutes were posted on the website. Going forward we plan to send the Board minutes out via email to the community. The draft minutes of the first meeting of the new board, the annual meeting draft minutes and the minutes of the Election Committee are all included below. We anticipate sending regular financial updates as well.
Barney Ford
On behalf of the Board
DRAFT Minutes of the Villas of Wake Forest COA, Inc.
Annual Meeting / Budget Ratification (Meeting held Virtually)
December 4, 2022
Meeting was called to order at 11:01 a.m. by Carol Slaven
Present: Current Board:
- Barney Ford, Chairman
- Norm Bell, Vice-Chairman
- Becky Tucci, Secretary
- Carolyn Coordes, Treasurer
- Pam Alig, Member-at-Large
Also present: Carol Slaven of York Properties, Board member elect, Dan Becker, Bob Turnage for technical assistance and Karen Zack to assist with minutes.
Quorum was established as 116 units were represented through their ballot submission.
President Barney Ford welcomed all attendees and introduced the current and incoming board members.
Motion Norm and Second by Pam to approve the minutes of the December 7, 2022 Annual Meeting. Approved unanimously.
Barney recognized the members of the Election Committee and expressed gratitude for their integrity and their efficiency. Committee Members are:
- Barbara Newnam, Chair
- Marvin Etheridge
- Kathy Holland
- Fran Leiblein
- Judy Link
- Joan Major
- Rich Pike
- Terry Pike
- Mary Rivers
Barbara Newnam reported the results of the election. The Elections Committee met on Saturday, December 4 at 9:30 a.m. to count the ballots with the following results:
The ballots for the election were sorted and verified using the York Properties roster of Villas owners in an excel spreadsheet format.
One vacant Board position will be filled by Dan Becker. We are grateful that Dan has accepted the challenge to serve the community.
The second vacant Board position will be appointed by the Board once the new Board is established.
Concerning the ratification of the 2024 budget, 116 valid votes were received by the committee. Fifty-eight (58) owners voted Yes for ratification. Fifty-eight (58) owners voted No for ratification. Therefore, since the No votes did not equal the required number of votes stated by the bylaws (73), the 2024 budget will is ratified.
The committee received one envelope with no ballot enclosed.
It was determined that the voter response was 80.5%
Barney commented that the election results are not considered a win by the Board even though 2024 budget for the Villas is ratified. The Board is concerned about the split on the budget vote and will make improved communication a priority.
Board Comments:
Pam expressed sincere appreciation for all who voted and asked that residents keep in touch with the board. She also thanked Kathee Bailey and Nanette Hill along with their committees for all they did to make the Villas a better place to live.
Norm touched on the following completed projects from this year:
- House number painting was completed.
- A COA handyman was contracted
- Re-roofing of two buildings was completed
- The facilities team did work on a total of 37 buildings
- The facilities team also worked on various projects at the clubhouse
- Norm also expressed thanks to Carol Slaven and Al Zack for their work in interviewing and selecting vendors.
Becky updated everyone on the work of the landscaping committee this year, including:
- Removal of remaining diseased roses
- Third year of removal of problem birch trees
- Improved the Pasture Walk entrance
- Interviewed four landscape companies and selected Greenscape, Inc for 2024.
- Becky shared her sincere appreciation for the tireless efforts of the landscape committee and especially Marlene Barnes, chair.
- Becky also shared her affection for the entire community.
Carolyn updated everyone on the improved rates as CDs have been coming due. She also commented that the expenses for 2023 are in good shape.
Barney expressed his thanks to several people/groups:
- To the board for the positive experience working together.
- To Marlene Barnes and Becky Tucci for their time and energy in interviewing several landscape companies and for their detailed comparison leading to a selection.
- To Norm Bell and Al Zack for their work on facilities and their responsiveness.
- To Kathee Bailey and the social committee for their wonderful and diverse programs.
- To Nanette Hill and the clubhouse committee for their organization and improvements in the clubhouse.
- To Carol Slaven, the Villas York Property Management company representative, for her excellent service to the Board over the last year.
He also shared his goal of improving communications through quarterly meetings for the entire community. After thanking everyone for attending, Barney asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion by Norm and Second by Pam. Following a unanimous vote, the meeting ended at 11:25 a.m.
Respectfully submitted, December 5, 2023
Karen Zack, Volunteer
Villas of Wake Forest, COA Board Meeting Minutes for December 4, 2023
Votes on all motions are unanimous unless less noted otherwise.
The Board meeting began at 11:50 a.m. immediately following the Annual Meeting of the Villas of Wake Forest, COA. In attendance were continuing Board members Pam Alig, Carolyn Coordes and Barney Ford joined by newly elected Board member Dan Becker.
Prior to officer selection the newly formed Board had a pleasant and wide-ranging conversation on what kind of Board they wanted to be and how the Board would function.
Motion by Pam Alig seconded by Dan Becker: That the officers of the 2023-24 Board of the Villas of Wake Forest, COA be:
- Carolyn Coordes – Secretary,
- Pam Alig – Vice Chair,
- Dan Becker – Treasurer, and
- Barney Ford – Chairman
Motion by Barney Ford seconded by Pam Alig: That Norm Bell be appointed to the Facilities Committee.
Motion by Dan Becker seconded by Pam Alig: That Carolyn Coordes serve as the Board liaison to the Landscape Committee.
Motion by Pam Alig seconded by Carolyn Coordes: That the truss repair cost be paid by the COA.
Motion by Carolyn Coordes seconded by Pam Alig: That the meeting be adjourned.
The Board meeting was adjourned at 12:57 p.m.
The next meeting of the Board of the Villas of Wake Forest, COA will be on December 14, 2023, 1:00 p.m. at the Clubhouse.
Minutes taken by Barney Ford
Elections Committee Meeting
December 2, 2023
Villas of Wake Forest Clubhouse
Members present: Marvin Etheridge, Fran Leiblein, Judy Link, Joan Major, Barbara Newnam, Rich Pike, Terry Pike, Mary Rivers
The Elections Committee met on December 2, 2023 9:30 am at the Villas Clubhouse.
The ballots for the election were sorted and verified using the York Properties roster of Villas owners in an MS Excel spreadsheet format.
One vacant Board position will be filled by Dan Becker. We are grateful that Dan has accepted the challenge to serve the community.
The second vacant Board position will be appointed by the Board once the new Board is established.
Concerning the ratification of the 2024 budget, 116 valid votes were received by the committee.
- Fifty eight (58) owners voted Yes for ratification.
- Fifty eight (58) owners voted No for ratification.
- Therefore, since the No votes did not equal the required number of votes stated by the bylaws (73), the 2024 budget will be ratified.
The committee received one envelope with no ballot enclosed.
It was determined that the voter response was 80.5%
The committee adjourned upon the completion of the counting.
Barbara Newnam
For those of you who would like to see the statements governing the outcome of the budget ratification you can find them here:
- The VWF Bylaws Section 6.1. the third paragraph in that section next to the last sentence.
- The North Carolina Condominium act 147C-3-103 c. has this sentence. “The budget is ratified unless at that meeting a majority of all the unit owners or any larger vote in the declaration rejects the budget.”
End of Message